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How To List Your Site

First click on "Register" at the top of the page and set up your account details.

If you had listings on our former software version of site we will give you a full credit to the value of what you paid to relist on this site but you'll need to contact us with your Paypal
receipt number please so we can treat everyone fairly. Those listings would have been made between the year 2000 and 2013. We will honour all past paid listings. On this site you place all the listings yourself.
It was impossible for us to transfer listings in any way as the software used then is no longer being updated or compatible with new Internet requirements. At times we may also offer free credit listings.

To place a paid listing or buy extra listing options you first need to make sure you have a Paypal account. Go to to set this up with your credit card details.

Important Please Note: You cannot list multiple same urls on this site and you can only choose one category only most relevant to your website so choose carefully as it can't be changed once you place it.
The only way to replace that same listing in another category is to delete it from that category first and then relist it in the category of your choice. It will cost you a new relisting fee to do that.
Note: You can change or edit the details of your listing at any time but you can't change the category.

Browser Issues - If you're having trouble using any of the editors while placing your listing I suggest you use a different "Browser" like say: Google Chrome.
I've found the "Internet Explorer" browsers can cause some functions not to work as good. I found using cut and paste with Internet Explorer may not work.

Once you have your Paypal account you must credit your account with enough funds to cover the cost of the listing package plus any additional options you may like to add as well.
If you don't want any excess money left in your account you'll need to work out the exact amount to put in beforehand to make it balance out to what you want.
You'll need to choose the cost of the package plus any of the below rates in total to suit. Some of these features can add many more views to your website listing perhaps.
If you have a free credit in your account you'll be able to place your listing right away. There's no need to credit your account then unless you want extra options and its above the total in your account.

Basic Listing - What You Get

You Can List: Url, Logo, Over View, Website Description, Upload An Image - Like A Banner etc, A Youtube Video Url, Page Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Description, Manage Portfolio,
which is all included in your basic listing price.
So you get a lot more than just a text advert and its a permanent listing. You can change or add options within your listings at anytime but you can't change categories.

Listing Packages - For Basic Listings

Package 1. (1 business listings for $6.00)
Package 2. (2 business listings for $10.00)
Package 3. (5 business listings for $20.00)
Package 4. (10 business listings for $30.00)

Commercial Resell Packages For Basic Listings - For Link Resellers

Package 5 - Commercial Resell Use (1,000 business listings for $1,500.00)
Package 6 - Commercial Resell Use (2,000 business listings for $2,500.00)
Package 7 - Commercial Resell Use (6,000 business listings for $5,000.00)
Package 8 - Commercial Resell Use (13,000 business listings for $10,000.00)

You can resell these links to your client base and increase your income.
You control and place the listings yourself.
You can offer and post:
Text links with - Photo, banner, Youtube Video Url and much more and make several times your money back on each sold listing.
A great easy way to make some extra money.

Extra Paid Options You Can Add To The Basic Listings
You'll need to add some extra money to you account to get any of these options.

Make Bold - Bold - Fee $0.50
Business Listing's title will appear in bold font.

Make Featured - Featured - Fee $0.75
Business Listing will appear as featured e.g. at search results page.

Make Front Page Featured - Front Page Featured - Fee $0.70
Business Listing will appear in Featured Business Listings section at main page. It will be Chosen randomly.

Make Gallery Featured - Gallery Featured - Fee $0.80
Business Listing will appear in Gallery Featured Business Listings section at main page. At least one image must be uploaded with the business listing. It will be Chosen randomly.

Video Gallery Featured - Video Gallery Featured - Fee $0.90
Your video must be a link from Youtube only for it to work. You can't just upload a video as it only takes a Youtube video url.
Business Listing will appear in Video Gallery Featured Business Listings section at main page. At least one video must be uploaded with the business listing. It will be Chosen randomly.

Make Highlighted - Highlighted - Fee $0.60
Business Listing will appear as highlighted with different color e.g. at search results page.

You can upload 1 image for free and next 3 image(s) for $1.00.

You can upload 1 Youtube video url for free and next 2 video(s) for $0.70.

Manage Portfolio

After you've added a listing an option comes up that lets you create a "Portfolio" for your website.
For instance you can upload a file or photo relating to your business that describes what you have and do.
You don't have to fill it in if you don't want to but that option is there if you want. Its just extra exposure.

Helpful Tip: Have your logo, photos, banners, text, meta words, meta title, description, website url, video link, video title, portfolio file and photo etc.
Have it all ready before you start filling in your listings as this will save you a lot of time and rushing around trying to get it how you want it.
If the photo you load is too big it may not load so we suggest you resize it to a smaller size.

Most important of all make sure you choose the right category because once you've chosen it and put your add through its paid for and you can't change it.
We can't change it from our end either and you can't add the same url in another category until you delete the other that's the same. You'll be charged for another listing then too.
Choosing the best relevant category to match your site is important as that will give you the best Internet search returns and visits. With over 750 categories you should have no trouble matching up your site to one.
We suggest you have a close look through our extensive index to choose the most relevant category to suit your website. Any adult websites will be removed with no refunds so please don't do that.
Refer to our terms and conditions for more info on that matter. Choosing the best category from over 700 choices gives your site the best chance of being found in Internet searches.

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